Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The part of me that is Gypsy is always traveling!

My name is Ilona Steelhammer, pronounced  E-lo-na. Steelhammer, just like it sounds. The oak leaves have changed color, and are dropping in my yard, and there is a lite breeze this morning. The air has that pull up your collar feel, and the dogs no longer are in a rush to get outside first thing to chase the squirrels.  For me, this is my favorite time of the year. My favorite season. I can now spend more of my time doing what I love best. Being creative and pursuing art, design, and spirt-inspiring projects, of all types! I do like most people come up against some road blocks on a daily basis, and thats because there so many things I want to try before my brain latches on to some new idea, and I am totally traveling on to another project-idea, with out so much as finishing the previous one. So many ideas, so many directions to take, . . . so for this week I think I shall concentrate on staying focused on the most important one right now, raking leaves! And, maybe a little jewelery making in between. You can keep the girl out of the artroom, but you can't keep art out of the girl! Later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh!!!!!!!1 I found you and am so disappointed not to find more!! I am the one that bought the niche from you in Centralia yesterday.
    But I will become a follower, in case your new years res. is to post !!!!

    Happy New Year to you!!
